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Fire data - public

Request to:
Maui Department of Environmental Management
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request was withdrawn
Summary of Request
Public fire <<email address>>

Messages in this request

From Public Black
Subject Records Request for Maui Department of Environmental Management: Fire data - public
Date May 19, 2017, 3:47 p.m.
To Maui Department of Environmental Management
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. Public fire <<email address>> Mahalo, Public Black
  1. 7 years, 9 months agoMay 19, 2017, 3:47 p.m.: Public Black sent a message to Maui Department of Environmental Management.
From Ryan Kanno – Maui Department of Environmental Management
Subject Re: Records Request for Maui Department of Environmental Management: Fire data - public
Date May 19, 2017, 3:58 p.m.
Status Request resolved

Thanks <<email address>> ---- On Fri, 19 May 2017 18:48:46 -0700 << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<email address>> wrote ---- Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. << Name removed >> fire <<email address>> Mahalo, << Name removed >> << Name removed >>
From Ryan Kanno – Maui Department of Environmental Management
Subject Re: Records Request for Maui Department of Environmental Management: Fire data - public
Date May 19, 2017, 4:02 p.m.

Thanks <<email address>> ---- On Fri, 19 May 2017 18:48:46 -0700 << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<email address>> wrote ---- Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. << Name removed >> fire <<email address>> Mahalo, << Name removed >> << Name removed >>
  1. 7 years, 9 months agoMay 19, 2017, 4:03 p.m.: Received an email from Maui Department of Environmental Management.
  2. 7 years, 9 months agoMay 19, 2017, 4:04 p.m.: Received an email from Maui Department of Environmental Management.
From Ryan Kanno – Maui Department of Environmental Management
Subject Re: Records Request for Maui Department of Environmental Management: Fire data - public
Date May 19, 2017, 4:04 p.m.

Thanks <<email address>> ---- On Fri, 19 May 2017 18:48:46 -0700 << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<email address>> wrote ---- Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. << Name removed >> fire <<email address>> Mahalo, << Name removed >> << Name removed >>
  1. 7 years, 9 months agoMay 19, 2017, 4:07 p.m.: Received an email from Maui Department of Environmental Management.
  2. 7 years, 3 months agoDec. 9, 2017, 12:48 p.m.: Public Black set status to 'Request was withdrawn'.